
Build trust

We want to conduct business in a way that will never breach the trust of our employees, partners or customers.

People and societies rely on us every day, which requires us to be a trusted business partner. Trust is vital to our licence to operate, and it is essential that we conduct business in a way that never breaches the trust of our employees, partners, customers, or the communities in which we operate. Unfair competition and unethical behaviour lead to higher costs and the erosion of trust.

We conduct our business based on integrity and high ethical standards and in compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and in-house policies. We seek to be transparent in the way we operate, being committed to competing for business on fair terms and exclusively on the merits of our services. We carry out our activities according to corporate governance principles and proactively seek to identify and mitigate compliance risks.

Code of Conduct

Our way of conducting business at Falck is based on our global Employee Code of Conduct. The Employee Code of Conduct provides our employees with a common understanding of the way we conduct business and promotes high ethical standards for everyone at Falck, and we are committed to ensuring that all full-time employees are trained accordingly every two years, either online or in person in order to foster a culture of integrity and trust.

To ensure the principles of our Employee Code of Conduct are imbedded in the way we work, we run awareness campaigns and offer training to our employees every second year. Code of Conduct training of employees is chosen as a KPI in our ESG dashboard. The target is to train all full-time employees and thereby foster a culture of integrity and trust in Falck.

At Falck, we consider our suppliers to be essential partners for our mission to deliver high-quality, sustainable healthcare solutions. Our Supplier Code of Conduct outlines fundamental standards and expectations for business ethics, legal compliance, human and labour rights, health and safety, and environmental sustainability. This Code is mandatory for all suppliers, agents, and their direct and indirect sub-suppliers, requiring them to uphold our values and contribute to a responsible and sustainable supply chain.

Code of Conduct


Our whistleblower system, Falck Alert, was introduced in late 2018 and has since then been available for all Falck employees, business partners and third parties. We actively promote a global speak-up culture. Our whistleblower system, Falck Alert, is available 24/7 to all employees, business partners and third parties. We continuously encourage employees to report concerns about irregularities or improper actions that fail to comply with applicable laws and regulations, the Employee and Supplier Code of Conduct or in-house policies and standards.

The whistleblower reporting ratio is chosen as a KPI in our sustainability strategy. The target is a ratio above 1 report per 100 employees which is in line with the NAVEX Global database, which is used by Falck to set the benchmark for risk and compliance reporting. This is seen as an indication that employees trust the system and know they can use it without fear of retaliation.

Falck Alert


Code of Conduct

All full-time employees trained Every second year in our Code of Conduct

Whistleblower ratio

Whistleblower reporting ratio >1 per 100 employees

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Head of Sustainability & ESG

Helle Carlsen Nielsen

Head of Sustainability & ESG

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