
Secure diverse, equal and safe workplace

To take care of others, we need to take good care of ourselves.

Employee engagement and safety

Falck is a people business, and our workforce is our most important asset. We aim to provide all employees with an inspiring, diverse, and safe workplace that provides equal opportunities and where everybody can thrive personally and professionally.

Promote employee engagement

An engaged workforce is more committed, better performing and delivers a higher level of services. Each year, we conduct a global employee engagement survey to continuously improve Falck as an attractive and healthy place to work.

In 2024 our engagement score increased to 76, from 74 in 2023. Therefore, we revised the 2025 target to maintain 2024 high levels (76). The specific focus on teams with low scores, particularly on four selected questions (scores below 60 in four key areas), has resulted in fewer low-scoring teams compared to last year.

Improve safety performance

Every day, our employees put themselves at risk to save the lives of other people. We therefore promote a culture where health and safety are embedded in our ways of working to ensure that our employees are safe when on duty to improve and save the lives of others.

We are aware of the risks associated with the nature of our business as well as the preventive measures needed to minimise the risk. While incidents still occur across our business, we are committed to minimise the number of these and ensure that the implications of these are as small as possible.

Lost Time Injury Rate is chosen as a KPI in the sustainability strategy and so is number of fatalities. We have a LTIR target of less than 8.8 by 2027. The target for work-related fatalities in Falck is zero.

Targets on employee engagement and safety

Employee Engagement Score

Maintain 76 Employee Engagement Score (baseline year 2021)


Zero fatalities

Lost Time Injury Rate

10% reduction year-on-year Lost Time Injury Rate in 2027 (baseline year 2021)

Diversity, equality and inclusion

We strive to secure a workplace with a diverse workforce and an inclusive culture where employees are treated with respect and provided with the resources and opportunities they need to thrive personally and professionally, regardless of their individual differences. Having a diverse workforce, fostering inclusion, and representing the diversity of the communities we serve are both ethical and business priorities.

Diverse workforce

We aim to be an organisation that attracts, develops, and promotes a diverse range of talent. At every level of our organisation, we seek to represent the communities we serve. Diversity is emphasised throughout the recruitment and selection process to ensure balanced teams while still hiring the best-suited candidates.

Inclusive culture

We aim to be a great place to work for present and future employees. It is therefore the shared responsibility of all employees regardless of geography or role to foster an inclusive culture where everyone feels valued, free, and empowered to speak up without fear of retaliation.


Targets on gender diversity

Executive Management

40% underrepresented / total gender diversity, Executive Management

Senior Management

40% underrepresented / total by 2025 Gender Diversity, Senior Management

Enhance social impact

We create value in society by delivering services that help to ease critical moments, enable access, and build resilient communities. The number of services is a key part of our sustainability strategy.

Every time we prevent an accident, complete a trip, give a treatment, or provide one of our rehabilitation services, we usually improve the life of at least one person – in some cases with profound effect.

We deliver individual and societal care within preventive, acute and rehabilitative care. For instance, our healthcare professionals provide psychological and physiological help, enabling people to return to work faster and continue a healthy working life. Our patient transport service brings patients to and from hospitals and clinics and doctors provide online consultations as well as treat patients directly in their homes. Highly skilled ambulance staff saves lives and cares for patients’ well-being and our dedicated fire staff prevents accidents and loss of life every day.

We have included the number of services delivered as a KPI in our sustainability strategy because they are vital services to society. In 2024, our highly skilled staff delivered 9.5 million services within our core business.


Services delivered

Number of services delivered to society

Health and well-being are our business

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Preventive care

We help individuals and organisations stay healthy by working with them to prevent physical and mental health problems and lifestyle-related conditions.   

For example, we provide preventive healthcare treatment and guidance, patient transport, and healthcare at home solutions.

Our healthcare professionals e.g. provide psychological and physiological treatments that improve the lives of employees and prevent critical situations to occur.  

Learn more about how we deliver healthcare

Healthcare at home in Latin America offers visits by doctors and treatment of patients directly in their homes, allowing patients to recover safely and calmly in a familiar environment.

Learn more about our healthcare at home services

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Acute care

We deliver fast and effective care when a healthcare problem arises – ensuring people get the right diagnosis and treatment at the right time, either at home, digitally or in a healthcare facility.

For example, we provide ambulance services, healthcare at home, and healthcare treatment and guidance also in acute care situations.

For instance, our ambulance service forms an important and integral part of the prehospital healthcare systems. We are there when we are needed, and our highly skilled ambulance staff saves lives and cares for patients’ well-being every day.

Learn more about our ambulance services

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Rehabilitative care

We help people physically and mentally recover after a healthcare problem – keeping them safe as we bring them back to good health, so they can thrive in their everyday lives again

For example, we provide healthcare at home, healthcare treatment and guidance and patient transport for rehabilitative purposes as well.

For instance, our patient transport vehicles are operated by professional and emphatic Falck officers who take great pride in bringing patients safely from home to the place of treatment or transporting them between medical facilities or between home and the treatment facility in acute as well as rehabilitative circumstances.

Learn more about how we deliver patient transport

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Contact us

Head of Sustainability & ESG

Helle Carlsen Nielsen

Head of Sustainability & ESG

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